Management and Education in the K-Economies of the Arabian Gulf: A Gender Perspective

Kasim Randeree, Eman Gaad

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This paper investigates the UAE as potentially a successful model for change in the Arabian Gulf region, in issues pertaining to women in education and the necessity for the full participation of women in the workforce and at managerial level in the developing knowledge-based economy.
The purpose of the paper is to gauge the opinions and biases of the educated Emirati regarding prevalent gender related issues through qualitative research. The paper focuses on the views of young Emirati men and women on the present and future role of women in Emirati society.
The research indicates that in order for K-economies in the region to succeed, they must utilise their entire human resource and encourage increased participation of Arab women in the workplace and their recruitment into senior management levels within organisations.
The implications of the research are that there are a number of challenges facing Emirati society and by implication the Arabian Gulf region, which need to be addressed if change and advancement envisaged by the region is to be realised.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - Jun 2008
Externally publishedYes
EventEighth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations: Diversity '08 - HEC Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Duration: 17 Jun 200820 Jun 2008


ConferenceEighth International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations
Internet address


  • Knowledge-Economy
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Management
  • Education


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