Leading the Development of a Knowledge-Economy: The Role of Web-Based Educational Technology

Kasim Randeree, Anjli Narwani

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The increasing presence of web-based educational technologies is continually pressing demands on teaching-learning environments. With Information Communications Technology (ICT) perceived as a strong facilitator in achieving the goal of building a knowledge-based economy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the drive towards this end has brought with it several challenges, many associated directly with higher education management. Higher education institutions are increasingly adopting world-class ICT systems, particularly Learning Management Systems (LMS), most commonly the Blackboard learning system. There is substantial research on the educationist’s perspective of using ICT in education in the form of LMS. However, this paper bases its theoretical reflection in the context of the UAE from the perspective of knowledge management in technology-adopting educational institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - Jul 2009
EventSixteenth International Conference on Learning - University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 1 Jul 20094 Jul 2009


ConferenceSixteenth International Conference on Learning
Internet address


  • Web-Based Technology
  • Knowledge-Based Economy
  • Blackboard
  • Middle East
  • United Arab Emirates
  • UAE


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