Isometric Midthigh Pull Characteristics in Elite Youth Male Soccer Players: Comparisons by Age and Maturity Offset

Rhys O. Morris, Ben Jones, Tony Myers, Jason Lake, Stacey Emmonds, Neil D. Clarke, Dave Singleton, Matthew Ellis, Kevin Till

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The purpose of this study was to (a) provide comparative isometric midthigh pull (IMTP) force-time characteristics for elite youth soccer players and (b) determine the effect of age and maturation on IMTP force-time characteristics. Elite male youth soccer players (U12 n = 51; U13 n = 54; U14 n = 56; U15 n = 45; U16 n = 39; and U18 n = 48) across 3 maturity offset groups (Pre n = 117; circa n = 84; and Post-peak height velocity n = 92) performed 2 maximal IMTP trials on a portable force platform (1,000 Hz). Absolute and relative values for peak force (PF) and impulse over 100 and 300 ms were analyzed. A full Bayesian regression model was used to provide probable differences similar to that of a frequentist p value. Advanced age and maturation resulted in superior IMTP force-time characteristics. Peak force demonstrated high probabilities of a difference between all consecutive age groups (p > 0.95). For absolute and relative impulse (100 and 300 ms), only 2 consecutive age groups (U14-15's and U16-18's) demonstrated high probabilities of a difference (p > 0.95) with large effects (d = 0.59-0.93). There were high probable differences between all maturity offset groups for PF and impulse with medium to large effects (d = 0.56-3.80). These were also reduced when expressed relative to body mass (relative PF and relative impulse). This study provides comparative IMTP force-time characteristics of elite male youth soccer players. Practitioners should consider individual maturation status when comparing players given the impact this has on force expression.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2947-2955
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Issue number10
Early online date4 Jul 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020

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ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
  • Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation


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