Involving people with learning disabilities in nurse education: towards an inclusive approach

Martin Bollard, John Lahiff, N. Parkes

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    26 Citations (Scopus)


    There is limited evidence that explores how to effectively include people with learning disabilities in nurse education in the UK. The majority of reported work relates to mental health nursing and social work training (Morgan and Jones, 2009). This paper specifically reports on the processes and activities undertaken by the authors with people with learning disabilities in the development of a new BSc learning disability nursing programme, a specific branch of nursing in the UK. In doing so, findings and discussion from two separate projects involving students and people with learning disabilities will be integrated into the paper. EPICURE (Engagement, Processing, Interpretation, Critique, Usefulness, Relevance and Ethics (Stige et al. 2009) is adopted as a qualitative framework throughout the paper to evaluate the reported work that took place between September 2006 and October 2010. Suggestions are therefore made regarding the benefits and challenges of striving towards an inclusive approach to user involvement in nurse education, with particular reference to learning disability. The work presented in the paper demonstrates how through careful involvement of this population, deeper learning opportunities for all nursing students can be created.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)173–177
    JournalNurse Education Today
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2011

    Bibliographical note

    The full text of this article is not available from the repository.


    • learning disability
    • intellectual disability and user involvement
    • adult learning acknowledgements


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