Investigation into rock mechanics using finite element method

Balaji Aresh, Ali Daadbin, Mohammed Sarwar, Wayne Rudd, James Burnell-Gray

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Research into metal cutting is an established area, whereas the behaviour of rock during cutting is somewhat more complex and not well understood. This makes the field of Rock Mechanics – in particular the use of Finite Element Analysis [FEA] in studying the behaviour of the rock under cutting conditions where many parameters are involved - a challenging area to explore. Here experimental results are needed to justify and verify the results from FEA modelling.
Based on the Brazilian Test this paper analyses three types of rocks namely – limestone, sandstone and shale, which belong to the sedimentary rock category with sandstone having greater strength than limestone and shale.
The Finite Element-Discrete Element coupled method (FEM-DEM) used in the proposed modelling enables the facture process of the rock to be studied closely in relation to the cutting force component causing the start of fracture and the behaviour of the propagating crack during this process.
These results should prove to be useful in analysing the fundamental behaviour of the rock material at the
extreme cutting edge of the tool.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2010
Externally publishedYes
EventISRM International Symposium 2010 and 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium - New Dehli, India
Duration: 23 Oct 201027 Oct 2010


ConferenceISRM International Symposium 2010 and 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium
CityNew Dehli
Internet address


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