International Pedagogical gamification approach to Engineering Project Management

Karim Ahmed

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    ducational delivery has constantly encountered innovation and development. With novel approaches being identified to increase student engagement and enhance their learning experience. Every learning individual is different, and Project
    Management as a discipline is no different, although encounters major challenges when being delivered to students from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Much literature had discussed the use of gamification concepts to facilitate educational delivery and enhancement. In line with pedagogical literature, this paper explores a novel approach adopted within Coventry University, wherein the students were tasked with applying their project management knowledge to the development of a Project Management educational game. This allowed them to apply their knowledge to the developmental process, through an experiential learning approach. Not only this, but as these students were learners themselves, they were able to infuse the game with what they deemed suitable for their learning style, leading to the development of a project management educational game that tailors for different learners, embeds gamification and engagement concepts and imparts the knowledge required. This paper looks at the approach adopted, the milestones achieved by the students, the learning experience
    encountered and how the challenges that were encountered were overcome, with a case study of Postgraduate students. Thus challenging the status quo in terms of delivery of Project Management educational experience through a novel approach where the students acquired new skill sets along the way, while applying their knowledge of Project management principles to the project at hand, while critically reflecting on their knowledge as they develop the game to educate and challenge potential learners while imparting this knowledge upon them
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2021
    EventPolytechnic Summit 2021 - virtual, Dublin, Ireland
    Duration: 1 Jun 20214 Jun 2021


    ConferencePolytechnic Summit 2021
    Internet address


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