Intensive teaching blocks in design disciplines: a practical application

Kemi Adeyeye, Poorang Piroozfar, Abdullahi Ahmed

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Intensive teaching block weeks present a practical alternative to traditional teaching methods. This teaching method, if properly implemented, can provide a forum for concentrated learning, reflection and feedback. This paper discusses a study that investigated the use of intensive block weeks in the architectural design and technology context. The design week was mainly introduced to improve student participation and engagement, while teaching technical principles and promoting the development of soft skills in students. In addition to introducing what was done during the week, this paper presents findings from two questionnaire surveys, pre and post the design week as well as a summary of findings from the students' log books and focus group. Findings showed that the students agreed that this approach substantially increased their ability to learn and to apply learning for design tasks. It also facilitated the development of important soft skills such as teamwork, time management and presentation skills.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)74-98
Number of pages31
JournalCEBE Transactions
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Architectural Education
  • Course Experience
  • Deep learning
  • experiential learning
  • inquiry based learning


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