Integrating six-step model with information flow diagrams for comprehensive analysis of cyber-physical system safety and security

G. Sabaliauskaite, S. Adepu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


An approach for integrating Six-Step Model (SSM) with Information Flow Diagrams (IFDs) is proposed. SSM is a model for Cyber-Physical System (CPS) safety and security analysis, which incorporates six hierarchies of CPS, namely, functions, structure, failures, safety countermeasures, cyber-attacks, and security countermeasures. Relationship matrices are used in SSM to identify inter-relationships between these hierarchies and determine the effect of failures and cyber-attacks on CPSs. Although SSM is a useful tool for CPS safety and security modeling, it lacks guidance for identifying failures and attacks, and selecting adequate set of safety and security countermeasures. To address this issue, an approach for integrating SSM with IFDs is proposed and explained using the water treatment system example.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE)
Pages41 - 48
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5090-4636-2
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • cyber-physical system
  • safety
  • security
  • failures
  • cyber-attacks
  • ISA-99
  • 3-Step Model
  • Six-Step Model
  • Information Flow Diagram


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