Infrared studies of the evolution of the CiOi(SiI) defect in irradiated Si upon isothermal anneals

T. Angeletos, Alexander Chroneos, C. A. Londos

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    Carbon-oxygen-self-interstitial complexes were investigated in silicon by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Upon irradiation, the CiOidefect (C3) forms which for high doses attract self-interstitials (SiIs) leading to the formation of the CiOi(SiI) defect (C4) with two well-known related bands at 939.6 and 1024 cm−1. The bands are detectable in the spectra both in room temperature (RT) and liquid helium (LH) temperature. Upon annealing at 150 °C, these bands were transformed to three bands at 725, 952, and 973 cm−1, detectable only at LH temperatures. Upon annealing at 220 °C, these bands were transformed to three bands at 951, 969.5, and 977 cm−1, detectable both at RT and LH temperatures. Annealing at 280 °C resulted in the transformation of these bands to two new bands at 973 and 1024 cm−1. The latter bands disappear from the spectra upon annealing at 315 °C without the emergence of other bands in the spectra. Considering reaction kinetics and defect metastability, we developed a model to describe the experimental results. Annealing at 150 °C triggers the capturing of SiIs by the C4defect leading to the formation of the CiOi(SiI)2 complex. The latter structure appears to be bistable: measuring at LH, the defect is in configuration CiOi(SiI)2 giving rise to the bands at 725, 952, and 973 cm−1, whereas on measurements at RT, the defect converts to another configuration CiOi(SiI)2* without detectable bands in the spectra. Possible structures of the two CiOi(SiI)2 configurations are considered and discussed. Upon annealing at 220 °C, additional SiIs are captured by the CiOi(SiI)2defect leading to the formation of the CiOi(SiI)3 complex, which in turn on annealing at 280 °C converts to the CiOi(SiI)4 complex. The latter defect anneals out at 315 °C, without being accompanied in the spectra by the growth of new bands.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number125704
    JournalJournal of Applied Physics
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2016

    Bibliographical note

    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing.
    The following article appeared in Angeletos, T. , Chroneos, A. and Londos, C. A. (2016) Infrared studies of the evolution of the CiOi(SiI) defect in irradiated Si upon isothermal anneals. Journal of Applied Physics, volume 119 : 125704 and may be found at 10.1063/1.4945110


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