Image segmentation

Keith J. Burnham (Inventor), Olivier C.L. Haas (Inventor), Maria Gloria Bueno (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    In a method of segmenting an image a first, seed pixel unit is selected from a first group of pixel units in which the pixel units all have substantially the same grey-level intensity. The grey-level intensity of said first pixel unit is compared with the grey-level intensity of each of selected adjacent pixel units of said image and those pixel units with grey levels within a selected range are assigned as a pixel unit of the same region as said first pixel unit. This comparison process is repeated for each of the pixel units in the image, those already having been assigned being ignored. A further seed pixel unit is selected from a further group of pixel units in which the pixel units all have substantially the same grey-level intensity and the comparison process repeated for all of the unassigned pixel units.; Further seed pixel units are selected and the comparison process repeated until all the pixel units of the image have been assigned. A watershed transform is then applied to provide the segmented image.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO03003303A2
    IPCG06T 7/00
    Priority date27/06/01
    Filing date27/06/02
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2003

    Bibliographical note

    This published patent can be viewed online on the Espacenet database at: and searching under the application number 03003303. This patent has also been granted and published in Great Britain, Poland, US, Canada, Australia and as a European and worldwide patent.


    • Recognition Of Data
    • Presentation Of Data
    • Record Carriers
    • Handling Record Carriers


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    • Image segmentation

      Burnham, K. J. (Inventor), Haas, O. C. L. (Inventor) & Bueno, M. G. (Inventor), 23 Dec 2004, IPC No. G06T 7/00, Patent No. US20040482196, 27 Jun 2002, Priority date 27 Jun 2001

      Research output: Patent

    • Image segmentation

      Burnham, K. J. (Inventor), Haas, O. C. L. (Inventor) & Bueno, M. G. (Inventor), 24 Mar 2004, IPC No. G06T 7/00, Patent No. EP1399888A2, 27 Jun 2002, Priority date 27 Jun 2001, Priority No. GB0115615

      Research output: Patent

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