Identifying the blind spots in M&A ‘process’ research

Etieno Enang, Grace-Ann Rosile, David Boje

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The M&A process research field is in need of rejuvenation; this paper contributes by highlighting the 'blind spots' in M&A 'process' research. We argue that a dialogic, embodied approach to M&A process research utilising a restorying antenarrative approach is key to unlocking aliveness and temporality which are much needed to invigorate M&A ‘process’ research. To a large extent, research done on M&A has utilised a reductionist approach where pre and post acquisition phases are taken to be separate parts. We argue that this reductionist approach does not resonate well with process research as it does not enable researchers gain access to the flow, flux and temporality during M&A in the making; the interrelationships between the two phases or how these phases inform one another. Additionally, most M&A process research has utilized a monologic approach where the author has had the final say and findings are presented as 'dead' stuff. The very term process means 'flow' flux, aliveness. We argue that the field is in need of a dialogic and more ethical approach to M&A process research, one where other voices are heard and where temporality takes precedence over end states. Furthermore, we argue that there is need for an embodied approach with the understanding that the primordial kind of knowing is the one grounded in our actions and not in our cognition. Taking action on possibilities is not rooted in a conscious move where we analyse and take cognizance of the situation (Heidegger 1962); instead actions are already part of the situation as being-in-the-world.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2017
    EventBritish Academy of Management, 2017: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences. - University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
    Duration: 4 Sept 20177 Sept 2017
    Conference number: 31


    ConferenceBritish Academy of Management, 2017
    Abbreviated titleBAM17
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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