HRD Programs in the United Kingdom

Jim Stewart, Sophie Mills, S. Sambrook

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The Problem. Very little research has examined the current state of human resource development (HRD) education in the United Kingdom, or the factors influencing its genesis and development. The Solution. We analyze historical and contemporary factors influencing HRD education in the United Kingdom, identify different levels and providers of HRD qualifications, and outline curriculum content of HRD programs. Our aim is to clarify the current situation, by proposing a tripartite model of stakeholders in HRD education based on the United Kingdom but which might assist in the analysis of HRD education in other geographic areas. The Stakeholders. HRD education in the United Kingdom is largely influenced by three key stakeholders: the U.K. government, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (the professional body for human resources), and the academy. Our analysis reveals complex and dynamic interactions between these stakeholders, which have implications for them as well as learners, practitioners, and researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)162-179
JournalAdvances in Developing Human Resources
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • CIPD
  • HRD programs
  • qualifications
  • United Kingdom


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