How do older adults communicate with the UK public sector? Comparing online communication channels.

AMY Nwanekezie, Jyoti Choudrie

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Governments around the world are moving away from conventional ways of face to face communication to a more digital approach when delivering services to their citizens. This includes using the internet as both a communication tool and an information source to improve efficiency in their services. However, not all the citizens are making use of these changes, especially the older adults. Therefore, this research-in-progress paper aims to investigate and identify the factors that encourage older adults to continu using a particular communication channel when interacting with the government. In addition, future directions, limitations and conclusions are also provided within this paper. The implication of this study to academia is viewed to be the development of an extended framework that allows an understanding of continuance intention of online communication tools usage. Equally, this framework will benefit industry by informing providers of communication channels to the government to be aware of the factors that influnce older adults´ choices when interacting with the government. For policymakers this research will identify the communication channels that promote interaction with citizens
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014
Externally publishedYes
Event22nd European Conference on Information Systems - Aviv, Israel
Duration: 9 Jun 201411 Jun 2014


Conference22nd European Conference on Information Systems
Abbreviated titleECIS 2014


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