How Can Gender Smart Mobility Become A More Intersectional Form Of Mobility Justice

Kat Gut, Felipe Moreira, Jacquie Bridgman, Liam Fassam

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    Central discussions arguing the advancement of women and transport, as both users of and employed within the sector, have not really advanced in the past 20 years. While numerous tools have been put in place to support numbers of women working within transport, the figure remains low, women only account for 22% of the workforce in the European Union. To improve opportunities and outcomes Gender Mainstreaming has been adopted as an objective of transport policy in Europe but adoption on a country level has been fragmented. Mobility needs are evolving, Gender relevant aspects of a smart city, mobility, safety, security, employment and sustainability have already been identified as fields of action in previous research however whilst Smart Mobility is advancing choice and offering more sustainable modes of transport it is not clear whether these advancements will be advantageous to all groups in society. This paper discusses ethical issues relating to equity in mobility with a focus on intersections of gender, race and class. We relate how unequal access to space in the context of smart mobility increases vulnerability to social exclusion related transport poverty and discuss how incorporating the theory of intersectionality into transport policy can build on advancements already made through the adoption of gender mainstreaming. Our discussion of the operationalization of intersectionality in smart mobility is a timely one in the era of COVID-19 and has to become a catalyst for more equitable and sustainable smart mobility
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusSubmitted - 2017
    EventTransportation Research Board - Washington, United States
    Duration: 3 Jan 20176 Jan 2017


    ConferenceTransportation Research Board
    Abbreviated titleTRB 2017
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


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