Healthy and safety in the construction industry: challenges and solutions in the UAE

Hamad M. Alhajeri, Messaoud Saidani

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The traditional performance measurements of time cost and quality are no longer the only benchmarks for construction projects. In recent years there is an additional target of health and safety requirements challenging construction performance to plan more thoroughly. Wherever reliable records are available construction is found to be one of the most dangerous on safety criteria. Efforts have been made to address this problem but the results have been far from satisfactory as construction accidents continue to dominate. Despite the programs implemented by government authorities and measures introduced by companies themselves the number of construction accidents still remains alarmingly high. In the developing countries the construction industry continues to lag behind most other industries particularly as a consequence of inadequate organisational issues. From this perspective this research explores the approved methods adopted in the UK in order to improve the existing code of practice in the UAE thus introduce the foundations on which appropriate health and safety systems may be built. An overview of the published materials and the updated legislation were undertaken. Thereafter a questionnaire was carefully designed and 350 copies were distributed to construction industry companies in the UAE. Interview sessions have been also conducted to meet the first objective of the project which to determine the health and safety currently applied on construction sites. Analysis of the findings from the investigation showed that some safety managers were more concerned about cost than health and safety. There was also evidence that some safety managers were not fully aware of safety practices and procedures in construction projects.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 2010
EventThird International Conference on Project Management - Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom
Duration: 20 Oct 201024 Oct 2010
Conference number: 3rd


ConferenceThird International Conference on Project Management
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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