Health self-monitoring devices adoption in China: a modified model theory of Technology Acceptance Model

Xinwen Zhang, Xue Zhou, Esin Yoruk

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The 2019 Corona Virus (COVID-19) has spread rapidly in China. Patients who reported pre-existing chronic disease conditions had fatality rate of up to 9.6%, compared with patient without pre-existing chronic condition. In addition, epidemiological trends in the last decade have shown a significant increase in the burden of chronic illnesses in China. Thus, more attention is being directed to technologically supported health self-management and lifestyle change in order to assist patients monitor and manage their own conditions. In this current era, it has become prevalent for Chinese consumers to utilise digital monitoring devices to undertake self-monitoring requirements to control and prevent chronic disease. In order to promote material of these devices to be effective, it is critical to understand the behavioural of Chinese patients‘ intention to use thedevices for measuring, storing and managing their own health data. As such, the purpose of this paper is to explore the factors affecting the acceptance and adoption of digital health self-monitoring applications from the perspective of Chinese patients. Theoretical underpinnings shall consist of applying the Devices Acceptance Model (TAM). Furthermore, social and cultural factors shall be taken into account to due to the complexity of the collectivist Chinese culture.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2020
EventBAM Conference in the Cloud 2020: Innovating for a Sustainable Future - Oxford Road, Alliance Manchester Business School, Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sept 20204 Sept 2020


ConferenceBAM Conference in the Cloud 2020
Abbreviated titleBAM2020
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • chronic disease self-monitoring
  • Chinese social variables and culture
  • devices acceptance model


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