Good Practice Guide for Disability Management Services in HEIs: MUSE Project Report

Gemma Tombs, Jacqueline Anne Cawston (Editor), Lynn Clouder (Editor), Sarah Kate Merry

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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The overall objective of the MUSE project is to improve access, ensure learning conditions and develop employment opportunities for HEIs’ disabled students in Latin American countries via modern inclusion practices and networking. The three Latin American countries involved are Chile, Mexico and Argentina, with the support of institutions in the EU (UK, Spain, Italy and Greece).

The aim of this guide is to present examples and case studies across all the Higher Education Institutions in the project so that the team may learn from each other and implement the good practices in their own institutions where a need has been identified.

This guide will be used throughout the project to inform strategy, training and implementation, to improve access and learning conditions, and to develop employment opportunities for HEIs’ disabled students and graduates.
Original languageEnglish
Publisher European Union
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages104
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


  • disability
  • education
  • equality
  • accessibility
  • equity


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