Gender diversity on boards in Norway and the UK: A different approach or a case of path dependency

Rita Goyal, Nada Kakabadse, Filipe Morais, Andrew Kakabadse

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    A number of countries have taken initiatives to improve gender diversity on their corporate boards. This intervention was considered essential to promote mentoring and educational development of women leaders, and also due to higher media attention and political pressure (Grosvold et al., 2007). Diversity management in these countries has been carried out in one of three ways, namely coercive (through legal intervention), liberal (seeking voluntary corporate commitment) and collaborative (cooperative measures in cooperation with stakeholders) (Whitehead and Normand, 2011). Norway is the first country to adopt mandatory gender quotas on boards of their public companies (Ahern and Dittmar, 2012), while the UK has achieved it through voluntary targets adopted by companies on recommendations by regulatory agencies (Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (DBIS, 2015).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationWomen on Corporate Boards:
    Subtitle of host publicationAn International Perspective
    EditorsMaria Aluchna , Guler Aras
    Number of pages17
    ISBN (Electronic)9781315183701
    ISBN (Print) 9781138740181
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2018


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