Gamified flipped classroom versus traditional classroom learning: Which approach is more efficient in business education?

Usman Durrani, Ghazi Al Naymat, Rami Ayoubi, Muhammad Mustafa Kamal, Hanan Hussain

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Past studies have shown the efficacy of flipped classrooms and gamification learning approaches. However, we know little about the blend of these learning approaches. This study compares the effectiveness of gamified flipped classrooms (GFC) to traditional classroom (TC) learning approaches. We study two different undergraduate cohorts over six-week course delivery in management and IT in a university in UAE. We collected data through an online survey from 105 students (control and experimental) and performed interviews with two focus groups of students. We identified the GFC learning approach as more efficient in terms of complexity of the technique, task orientation, student engagement, satisfaction, knowledge, and learning motivation. We also found a slight difference between the two approaches in terms of student skill development. Surprisingly, the control group achieved better course learning outcomes through TC than the experimental group using GFC because of perceived content relevance. The study provides additional evidence on the relevance of employing mixed learning approaches in classrooms, not to rely on one approach of university lecturers and learning enhancement units solely.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100595
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Management Education
Issue number1
Early online date28 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022

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  • Gamification
  • Flipped classroom
  • Perceived usefulness
  • Content relevance
  • ARCS model
  • Online survey
  • Interviews
  • Non-parametric test


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