Fuel spray vapour distribution correlations for a high pressure diesel fuel spray cases for different injector nozzle geometries

Darlington Njere, Nwabueze Emekwuru

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review

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    The evolution of diesel fuel injection technology, to facilitate strong correlations of in-cylinder spray propagation with injection conditions and injector geometry, is crucial in facing emission challenges. More observations of spray propagation are, therefore, required to provide valuable information on how to ensure that all the injected fuel has maximum contact with the available air, to promote complete combustion and reduce emissions. In this study, high pressure diesel fuel sprays are injected into a constant-volume chamber at injection and ambient pressure values typical of current diesel engines. For these types of sprays the maximum fuel liquid phase penetration is different and reached sooner than the maximum fuel vapour phase penetration. Thus, the vapour fuel could reach the combustion chamber wall and could be convected and deflected by swirling air. In hot combustion chambers this impingement can be acceptable but this might be less so in larger combustion chambers with cold walls. The fuel-ambient mixture in vapourized fuel spray jets is essential to the efficient performance of these engines. For this work, the fuel vapour penetration values are presented for fuel injectors of different k-factors. The results indicate that the geometry of fuel injectors based on the k-factors appear to affect the vapour phase penetration more than the liquid phase penetration. This is a consequence of the effects of the injector types on the exit velocity of the fuel droplets.

    Publisher Statement: This work is licensed under a Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPolytechnic University of Valencia Congress, ILASS2017 - 28th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
    EditorsRaul Payri, Xandra Margot
    Place of PublicationPolytechnic University of Valencia
    PublisherInstitute for liquid atomization and spray systems - ILASS
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)978-84-9048-580-4
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2017
    EventEuropean Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain
    Duration: 6 Sept 20178 Sept 2017
    Conference number: 28


    ConferenceEuropean Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
    Abbreviated titleILASS2017
    Internet address


    • vapour
    • spray
    • k-factor
    • shadowgraph


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