Frontiera? No, grazie

Mafalda Stasi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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This essay intends to demistify the myth of the Internet as the 'electronic frontier.' The tempting metaphor of the Internet as the new Wild West, a realm of freedom and uncontaminated new-ness naturalises a series of problematic ideological assumptions. The free and anarchic Internet is an integral development of the industrial-military complex, and its libertarianism comes from venture capitalism and white middle-class privilege. In the Wild West, after the cowboys and the brothels came the bankers.
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationNubi all'orizzonte. Diritto alla comunicazione nello scenario di fine millennio. Iniziativa nazionale in difesa della telematica amatoriale
EditorsStrano Network
Place of PublicationRoma
ISBN (Print)9788886232593
Publication statusPublished - 1996


  • Internet

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