FOODMETRES – Metropolitan food planning connecting the local with the global

Dirk Wascher, A Piorr, M. Pintar, Moya Kneafsey, G. Sali, S. L. Corsi, T. Mbatia,, L. Jeurissen, G. Arciniegas, M. Glavan, Alexandra Doernberg, Ingo Zasada, Jim Groot, Ulrich Schmutz, Elizabeth Bos, Laura Venn, F. Monaco, R. Simiyu, S. Owour, E. van AsseltI. van der Fels, M. van Eupen

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


    FOODMETRES aims to describe, analyse and facilitate the development of short food supply chain (SFSC) innovations in metropolitan regions, including their rural, urban and periurban areas. The research carried out in this project covers questions of food production, processing and logistics; its focus is sustainable and resource-efficient solutions which are socially and ecologically embedded. Prior to entering into dialogue with relevant stakeholders from farming, food processing, fresh chain management, retailing, consumption, planning and governance, FOODMETRES gained the necessary technical and institutional insights by studying six metropolitan regions in Europe and
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Specialist publicationUrban Agriculture Magazine
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015

    Bibliographical note

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