Flipping the Blend through MOOCs, MALL and OIL: New Directions in CALL

Marina Orsini-Jones (Editor), Simon Smith (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology or Edited Bookpeer-review

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    This books presents a snap-shot of innovative blended learning practices that either stem from the affordances of Web 2.0 technologies (Mobile Assisted Language Learning – MALL – and Massive Open Online Courses – MOOCs) or illustrate the re-purposing of ‘older’ ones, like the creation of tailor-made Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), to set up telecollaborative (or Online International Learning – OIL) projects. It is based on the papers presented at the B-MELTT (Blending MOOCs into English Language Teacher Training): Flipping the Blend through MALL, MOOCs and (Blended) OIL – New Directions in CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) symposium held at Coventry University, School of Humanities, in June 2017, that was supported by funding by a British Council English Language Teaching Research Award (ELTRA). It is hoped that the work presented here can provide some ideas on pedagogically sound ways of blending technology into the Higher Education curriculum to enhance both the digital literacy and the intercultural awareness of all stakeholders involved
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages75
    ISBN (Electronic)978-2-490057-17-7, 978-2-490057-16-0
    ISBN (Print)978-2-490057-15-3
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2018

    Bibliographical note


    This volume is published under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives International (CC BYNC-ND) licence; individual articles may have a different licence. Under the CC BY-NC-ND licence, the volume is freely available online (https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2018.23.9782490057160) for anybody to read, download, copy, and redistribute provided that the author(s), editorial team, and publisher are properly cited. Commercial use and derivative works are, however, not permitted.


    • MOOC
    • B-MELTT
    • CALL
    • OIL
    • MALL


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