Fleeting occupations: the ‘studio’ as an extension of psychological inhabitation

Andrea Hannon

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    2 Citations (Scopus)


    This article exposes part of the research that I have undertaken for my practice-based PhD, which explores the studio as a site of both mental and physical inhabitation for the artist who squats, moves, sits, shifts within. Considering ‘studio’ as a word that is descriptive, established within dominant structures of knowledge, there is already a pre-determined understanding of what is expected from such an environment. From the Enlightenment to modernist ideals, the preconceived notion of the studio has been essentialised into a ‘privileged site of production’. This article attempts to move away from the studio as a ‘site of production’. Drawing upon strategies embedded in the act of making, it discusses the studio as a site of action. The identified shift in practice from a concept to object methodology to a process-led methodology reflects the constant shift between thought, action and object. The article discusses this movement in relation to the alternative positioning of the artist and his/her inhabitation between mental and physical spaces of making. A series of informal interviews with a number of working artists are drawn on, in order to explore the evident relationship between psychological and physical spaces of making. It attempts to offer and discuss the ‘studio’ as more than a physical site of production and to locate it as an extension of the mind.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)50-60
    JournalJournal of Visual Art Practice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

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