Finding Gold Dust in Your Data: How Real-Time Consumer Insight is Essential in Maximising Marketing and Brand Reach

Maktoba Omar, Mark Fowlestone

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


    The pace of change within marketing communications together with ever-evolving consumer behaviours put the need for real-time consumer insights at the heart of every marketing operation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the current insight gaps within the wider marketing and advertising industry in order to propose an innovative and agile means to truly understand consumers’ needs, behaviours and feelings. Clients are progressively drowning in data, reinforcing the need for agencies to find fresh, relevant and creative insight amongst the
    sea of available information. This paper provides fascinating findings about the key issues the industry is facing, in an environment where every idea has to be validated by robust data to prove return on investment before being granted credibility. The research reveals new opportunities for agencies to access fresh consumer insights, breaking the monopoly of global advertising networks, who currently have exclusive access to the deep pockets of data within the industry. The data collection method for this research was a mixed qualitative approach of
    in-depth interviews and a practical comparability study of several insight tools on the market. Given the relevance of big data today, the research findings are of significant importance to both marketing client and agency side: emphasizing the need for new data collection methods tailored towards clients’ business needs and ultimately enabling both parties to create powerful impact with content and strategies that are based on real insights available in real time.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on E-Business, Marketing and Branding
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2017
    EventIC17Hong Kong Conference - , Hong Kong
    Duration: 20 Jan 201722 Jan 2017


    ConferenceIC17Hong Kong Conference
    Country/TerritoryHong Kong


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