FAHP MCDA Model for implementation of SSCM during VUCA conditions

Karim Ahmed, Rhitankar Saha Roy

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The COVID-19 pandemic and BREXIT has highlighted the effects VUCA conditions can have on supply chains. During VUCA times, supply chains struggle to maintain and implement sustainability in their production lines especially for swift decision making for business growth, which are hinged on a set of selected KPIs. Theoretical models do identify KPIs applicable to a particular industry but, these models do not give the supply chain industries the independence to set their own criteria or guide their decision making. Decision making processes for procurement or business area growth can be time consuming and is further complicated due to the multiple criteria that arise during VUCA conditions. To find a solution, this paper discusses an interactive mathematical Decision Support System using modified FAHP based calculations to aid in organizational decision making. This model gives the user/organization the autonomous independence to set own criteria rather than being based on a list of pre-defined theoretical KPIs to choose from. The output is in the form of suggesting the most sustainable options a supply chain organization can implement based on the analysis of data input by the organization during VUCA times. Case studies have been applied to the MCDA model to compare results with actual decisions made. This model correctly ranked the best options as well as indicated that it can replace the multiple meetings organizations usually conduct during the decision-making processes. The paper successfully concludes by highlighting the scenarios and applicability of this MCDA Model, leading to a more streamlined sustainability implementation within supply chains, and guiding decision making in challenging VUCA times.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event22nd International Federation of Operations Research Societies - Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 23 Aug 202127 Aug 2021


Conference22nd International Federation of Operations Research Societies
Abbreviated titleIFORS 2021
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of
Internet address


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