Exchange networks & parallel currencies on the map of Greece: Geographical patterns and schemes’ activity

Irene Sotiropoulou

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This is a working paper which belongs to a greater ongoing field research project concerning
economic activity in Greece which is performed without the use of any official currency. The scope
of the paper is to present the geographical dispersion of the schemes studied within Greece and to
discuss the issues raised by the connection of the schemes to the locality of their users.
Several patterns already emerge, concerning which schemes work or develop in which areas
and which areas seem void of any working initiatives. Big urban centres seem to attract most of the
schemes or at least, cities provide the base for a scheme to develop. The nature and structure of each
scheme seems to affect its geographical expansion or its localisation.
Therefore, several questions are raised: What makes the scheme members’ decide about the
localisation or the expansion of a scheme? How do geographical conditions affect those decisions
and how does economic activity within the schemes affect their functio
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages37
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes
EventInternational Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?” - Lyon, France
Duration: 16 Feb 201117 Feb 2011


ConferenceInternational Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”


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