Energy-Efficient Task Offloading Under E2E Latency Constraints

Mohsen Tajallifar, Sina Ebrahimi, Mohammad Reza Javan, Nader Mokari, Luca Chiaraviglio

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In this paper, we propose a novel resource management scheme that jointly allocates the transmit power and computational resources in a centralized radio access network architecture. The network comprises a set of computing nodes to which the requested tasks of different users are offloaded. The optimization problem minimizes the energy consumption of task offloading while takes the end-to-end-latency, i.e., the transmission, execution, and propagation latencies of each task, into account. We aim to allocate the transmit power and computational resources such that the maximum acceptable latency of each task is satisfied. Since the optimization problem is non-convex, we divide it into two sub-problems, one for transmit power allocation and another for task placement and computational resource allocation. Transmit power is allocated via the convex-concave procedure. In addition, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly manage computational resources and task placement. We also propose a feasibility analysis that finds a feasible subset of tasks. Furthermore, a disjoint method that separately allocates the transmit power and the computational resources is proposed as the baseline of comparison. A lower bound on the optimal solution of the optimization problem is also derived based on exhaustive search over task placement decisions and utilizing Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. Simulation results show that the joint method outperforms the disjoint method in terms of acceptance ratio. Simulations also show that the optimality gap of the joint method is less than 5%.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1711-1725
Number of pages15
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number3
Early online date6 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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  • Mobile edge computing
  • MEC
  • Task Offloading
  • Resource Allocation
  • End-to-End Latency
  • E2E Latency
  • Task Placement
  • Admission Control

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Computer Networks and Communications


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