EMI Mitigation for SiC Power Module with Chip-on-Ceramic Heatsink Packaging

Zhaobo Zhang, Wenzhi Zhou, Xibo Yuan, Elaheh Arjmand, Lihong Xie

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This letter proposes the use of a chip-on-ceramic heatsink packaging to reduce common-mode (CM) noise at the package level while improving thermal performance for SiC power modules. The packaging directly attaches the SiC MOSFETs to a metallized AlN ceramic heatsink, reducing CM capacitive coupling between the switching node and ground, thereby decreasing CM noise. A 400 V to 200 V DC-DC buck converter is built to validate the effectiveness of the packaging in mitigating CM noise. The experimental results demonstrate a reduction in CM current, with a decrease of over 5 dB between 5 MHz and 20 MHz frequency spectrum for the chip-on-ceramic heatsink power module compared to a conventional non-baseplate module. Thermal test results indicate that the ceramic module exhibits better thermal performance than the conventional module, due to the reduced layers between the heatsink and the dice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)(In-Press)
Number of pages6
JournalIEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Early online date24 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 24 Oct 2024

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  • Common-mode (CM) noise
  • chip-on-ceramic heatsink packaging
  • high dv/dt
  • power module


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