Digital flowmeter

Manus Henry (Inventor), David Clarke (Inventor), James H Vignos (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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A control and measurement system for a coriolis flowmeter having a flowtube, a driver adapted to vibrate the flowtube, and a pair of sensors adapted to generate signals indicative of movement of the flowtube when it is being vibrated by the driver, wherein the sensors are positioned relative to one another so the signals from the sensors are indicative of a mass flow rate of fluid through the flowtube. A digital drive signal generator is adapted to generate a variable digital drive signal for controlling operation of the driver. The digital drive signal generator can be adapted to cause the driver to resist motion of the flowtube during a first time period and amplify motion of the flowtube during a second time period. The digital drive signal generator can also be adapted to initiate motion of the flowtube by sending one or more square wave signals to the driver.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS9080909B2
IPCG01F 1/84,G06F 15/00
Priority date26/11/97
Filing date3/01/14
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2015
Externally publishedYes


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  • Digital Flowmeter

    Henry, M. (Inventor), Clarke, D. (Inventor) & Vignos, J. (Inventor), 8 Mar 2016, IPC No. G0lF 1/84, G01F 25/00, G01N 9/00, Patent No. US9279710B2, 2 Jan 2014, Priority date 26 Nov 1997, Priority No. US6655497P

    Research output: Patent

  • Digital flowmeter

    Henry, M. (Inventor), Clarke, D. (Inventor) & Vignos, J. H. (Inventor), 28 Jul 2015, IPC No. G01F 1/84, G01F 25/00, G01N 9/00, Patent No. US9091580B2, 3 Jan 2014, Priority date 26 Nov 1997, Priority No. US6655497P

    Research output: Patent

  • Digital flowmeter

    Henry, M. (Inventor), Clarke, D. W. (Inventor) & Vignos, J. H. (Inventor), 1 Dec 2015, IPC No. G01F 1/84, G01F 25/00, G01N 9/00, Patent No. US9200936B2, 3 Jan 2014, Priority date 26 Nov 1997, Priority No. US6655497P

    Research output: Patent


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