Designing for the ‘Other’

Jane Osmond, Elaine Mackie

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Bibliographical note

    The full published volumes 1-4 of the conference proceedings are available freely to download from the Design Research Society website at: Author's note: The paper was presented at the Design Research Society 2012 Conference in Bangkok at Chulalongkorn University 1-4 July; the acceptance of the area of study indicating that this work is of international significance in terms of understanding and measuring empathy in design.
    It has potential applicability within design education since it recognises that widely used standard measurement tools (Davis 1980) designed to measure empathy employ text based delivery which might not be suitable in measuring empathy in UK and international students undertaking arts based subjects. Rigour comes from reference to results from previous studies which import existing measurement scales and the recognition that design students are more likely to respond to more visually orientated means of measurement. Originality is evidenced from the design of the study in terms of introducing the concept of the ‘Other’ to clarify universal and cross cultural design and the persona card task aimed at helping students to empathise on a variety of different levels. Findings indicate that there is an opportunity to possibly produce a more bespoke measurement tool for use by design practitioners.
    Nature and scale of author: - The author’s impact was significant to this paper since she has a background in teaching empathy to undergraduate students within the Department of Industrial Design at Coventry University. She originated this research to broaden the conceptual understanding and empathy of first year industrial design students towards their appreciation and reflection of a range of different peoples characteristics building on that published in the Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design which describes the range of the research methods employed in teaching empathy and the limitations of role play.

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