Designing a tailorable environment for children with autistic spectrum disorders.

Darryl Georgiou, Andree Woodcock, Alex Woolner, Jacqueline Carol Jackson

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    The prevalence rate of individuals with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is estimated to be approximately 91/10,000 in the UK. Children with ASD have the triad of impairments in social interaction, communication and restricted patterns of behaviour. Given that research suggests that early intervention can maximize the potential of a child with an ASD there is a need to develop systems that are of benefit and tailorable to individual characteristics. Also, with the wider inclusion of children with special educational needs in mainstream education, there is an additional requirement that such systems should be affordable enough to form part of the school environment. This paper outlines the research undertaken in understanding the characteristics of children with ASD and how this led to the development of a multimedia environment for mainstream schools.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2007

    Bibliographical note


    • Children
    • user centred design
    • school design


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