Credit Ratings by Foreign and Domestic Agents and Security Issuance Decisions

Dimitrios Gounopoulos, Yilmaz Guney, Jingsi Leng

    Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprintpeer-review


    We investigate the foreign and domestic credit ratings on Chinese seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). Our results indicate a negative association between acquiring credit ratings and SEO underpricing. Ratings from the international agent Moody’s and multiple ratings contribute more to reducing market uncertainty and underpricing than local rating agencies. This finding is attributed to the intense competition in the Chinese market, which exacerbates the conflicts of interest between local rating agencies and rated firms. The negative association disappears in state-owned enterprises (SOEs), in firms with political connections, and for issuers located in the specific economic development areas.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherSocial Science Research Network (SSRN)
    Number of pages54
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2021


    • Credit ratings
    • state-owned enterprises
    • political connections
    • inflated ratings


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