Corpora and feedback in EAP

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


EAP learners need to accommodate to the communicative conventions of their disciplines within a relatively short amount of time, and it is, therefore, particularly important that they can interpret the meaning of feedback, act on its advice, and absorb from it the knowledge that will eventually enable them to function without it. This chapter traces developments in the use of corpora as a means of feedback delivery in EAP contexts, from the early days of stand-alone computers to current applications embedded within university-wide virtual learning environments. EAP feedback can be used to correct mechanical errors, suggest stylistic changes, encourage reflection on communicative intent, and develop independent learning practices which can be continued for the remainder of the learner's working life. The chapter reviews the research into corpus-informed feedback for all these purposes, and considers ways in which the use of corpora for feedback might be extended, taking into consideration recent technological advances both in corpus query software and computer interconnectivity. It also reports on the creation and use of corpora of university-level written feedback and on the way such corpora can shed light on the distribution and wording of common feedback functions such as, advice, critique, observation, praise, and query. The chapter ends with some suggestions for further research into the effectiveness of corpus-informed feedback, both in the short term, for immediate application, and in the long-term, as a step towards greater learner autonomy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning
EditorsReka Jablonkai, Eniko Csomay
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9781003002901
ISBN (Print)9780367433956
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2022


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