Coriolis Frequency Tracking

Manus Henry (Inventor), Mihaela D Duta (Inventor), Michael Tombs (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    Motion is induced in a conduit such that the conduit vibrates in a major mode of vibration having a major amplitude and a minor mode of vibration having a minor amplitude. The major amplitude is larger than the minor amplitude, the major mode of vibration has a first frequency of vibration and the minor mode of vibration has a second frequency of vibration, and the minor mode of vibration interferes with the major mode of vibration to cause a beat signal having a frequency related to the first frequency of vibration and the second frequency of vibration. The frequency of the beat signal is determined, and the second frequency of vibration is determined based on the determined frequency of the beat signal.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS10876875B2
    IPCGOIF I/84
    Priority date7/03/07
    Filing date23/04/18
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2020


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    • Coriolis Frequency Tracking

      Henry, M. (Inventor), Duta, M. D. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. (Inventor), 12 Jun 2018, IPC No. G01F 1/84, G01F 1/76, G01F 15/02, G01N 9/00, Patent No. US9995613B2, 2 May 2014, Priority date 7 Mar 2007, Priority No. US89357307P

      Research output: Patent

    • Coriolis Frequency Tracking

      Henry, M. P. (Inventor), Duta, M. D. (Inventor) & Tombs, M. S. (Inventor), 28 Aug 2014, IPC No. GOIF I/84 , Patent No. US2014238149A1, 2 May 2014, Priority date 3 Jul 2007, Priority No. US89357307P

      Research output: Patent

      Open Access
    • Coriolis Frequency Tracking

      Henry, M. (Inventor), Tombs, M. S. (Inventor) & Duta, M. D. (Inventor), 11 Sept 2008, IPC No. G01F 1/84, Patent No. US2008216588A1, 7 Mar 2008, Priority date 7 Mar 2007, Priority No. US89357307P

      Research output: Patent

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