Confidence and motivation on a HOPE: Self-Management Programme (SMP)

Claire Bourne, Jananee Jesuthasan, Faith Martin, Lynn Batehup, David McHattie, Nicola Dennis, Nicola Davies, Louise Wallace

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


    In the UK, there are an estimated two million cancer survivors who require support to manage the long-term consequences of cancer and the enduring effects of treatments (National Cancer Support Initiative, 2009). Coventry University and Macmillan Cancer Support have developed a 6-week, group-based, self-management programme (HOPE: SMP) for breast cancer survivors. The aim of this study is to explore the benefits of attending the HOPE: SMP for breast cancer survivors. Method: We conducted three Focus Groups with 17 participants. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis. Findings: Participants reported improved confidence and motivation to initiate and/or maintain meaningful and purposeful activities. Much of the motivation was generated by the support and encouragement provided by the lay tutor who was also a breast cancer survivor and the clinical tutor. Conclusion: Improvements in quality of life, including physical and psychological aspects of well-being, improved after attending the HOPE: SMP.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Sept 2011
    Event25th Conference of the EHPS: Engaging with Other Professions: Challenges and Perspectives - Crete, Hersonissos, Greece
    Duration: 20 Sept 201124 Sept 2011


    Conference25th Conference of the EHPS


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