Condition monitoring system

Stephen Baker (Inventor), Jay Walser (Inventor), Colin Burton (Inventor), Manus Henry (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A system is disclosed for monitoring condition of a railways installation such as a points machine. The system includes a plurality of sensors (S1, S2, S3 - - - SN) associated with elements of the installation for monitoring parameters indicative of operating capability of the installation. The system includes means (12, 23) for processing the monitored parameters to determine whether the parameters are changing relative to reference values and to determine whether the changes are indicative of an increased risk of malfunction in the installation. The processing means may include a digital computer programmed with condition monitoring and fault detection software. A method of monitoring condition of a railways installation is also disclosed.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2004167686A1
IPCG06F 7/00
Priority date8/05/01
Filing date8/05/02
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2004
Externally publishedYes


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  • Condition Monitoring System

    Burton, C. (Inventor), Baker, S. (Inventor), Walser, J. (Inventor) & Henry, M. (Inventor), 15 Aug 2018, IPC No. B61L 23/00, B61L 25/06, G08B 21/18, Patent No. EP1390246B1, 8 May 2002, Priority date 8 May 2001, Priority No. AU0200570W

    Research output: Patent

  • Condition monitoring system

    Burton, C. (Inventor), Baker, S. (Inventor), Walser, J. (Inventor) & Henry *, M. (Inventor), 17 Mar 2004, IPC No. B61L 25/06 23/00, G08B 21/18, Patent No. GB2392987A, 8 May 2002, Priority date 8 May 2001, Priority No. AUPR4832A

    Research output: Patent

  • Condition Monitoring System

    Burton, C. (Inventor), Baker, S. (Inventor), Walser, J. (Inventor) & Henry, M. (Inventor), 25 Feb 2004, IPC No. G08B 21/18, Patent No. EP1390246A1, 8 May 2002, Priority date 8 May 2001, Priority No. AUPR483201

    Research output: Patent

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