Comparative Analysis of Gender-Related Persecution in National Asylum Legislation and Practice in Europe

Heaven Crawley, Trine Lester

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report


    At the end of 2003, the UNHCR’s Regional Bureau for Europe commissioned a time-limited research project to undertake a comparative analysis of approaches to gender-related persecution in national asylum legislation and practice across Europe. The Department of International Protection provided additional financial support. The motivation for this work was the emergence of anecdotal evidence about inconsistencies in the development of policy approaches to gender-related issues in procedures for refugee status determination (RSD), and a concern to understand more concretely the extent to which the detailed recommendations for best practice in this area provided in the Gender Guidelines have been taken forward at an individual country level.
    In this context, the aims of this research were to:
    • Review whether, and if so how, UNHCR's Gender Guidelines have been incorporated into national legislation and practice;
    • Review any guidelines (procedural or substantive) produced by governments on assessing gender-related persecution;
    • Undertake a 'mapping exercise' which provides policy makers and practitioners with up-to-date information on current practice in assessing gender-related and gender-specific persecution; and
    • Provide an assessment of how the UNHCR and other guidelines work in practice, for example, in relation to initial decision-making and case law or procedures for ensuring that information about women’s experiences is collected at an early stage.
    This report presents the findings of the research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationGeneva
    Commissioning bodyUNHCR Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit
    Number of pages174
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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