Communicating oscillatory networks - frequency domain analysis.

Adaoha E. C. Ihekwaba, Sean Sedwards

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Constructing predictive dynamic models of interacting signalling networks remains one of the great challenges facing systems biology. While detailed dynamical data exists about individual pathways, the task of combining such data without further lengthy experimentation is highly nontrivial. The communicating links between pathways, implicitly assumed to be unimportant and thus excluded, are precisely what become important in the larger system and must be reinstated. To maintain the delicate phase relationships between signals, signalling networks demand accurate dynamical parameters, but parameters optimised in isolation and under varying conditions are unlikely to remain optimal when combined. The computational burden of estimating parameters increases exponentially with increasing system size, so it is crucial to find precise and efficient ways of measuring the behaviour of systems, in order to re-use existing work.

Motivated by the above, we present a new frequency domain-based systematic analysis technique that attempts to address the challenge of network assembly by defining a rigorous means to quantify the behaviour of stochastic systems. As our focus we construct a novel coupled oscillatory model of p53, NF-kB and the mammalian cell cycle, based on recent experimentally verified mathematical models. Informed by online databases of protein networks and interactions, we distilled their key elements into simplified models containing the most significant parts. Having coupled these systems, we constructed stochastic models for use in our frequency domain analysis. We used our new technique to investigate the crosstalk between the components of our model and measure the efficacy of certain network-based heuristic measures.

We find that the interactions between the networks we study are highly complex and not intuitive: (i) points of maximum perturbation do not necessarily correspond to points of maximum proximity to influence; (ii) increased coupling strength does not necessarily increase perturbation; (iii) different perturbations do not necessarily sum and (iv) overall, susceptibility to perturbation is amplitude and frequency dependent and cannot easily be predicted by heuristic measures.
Original languageEnglish
Article number203
Number of pages15
JournalBMC Systems Biology
Publication statusPublished - 22 Dec 2011
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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  • Stochastic Simulation
  • Amplitude Spectrum
  • Ordinary Differential Equation
  • Reaction Event
  • Frequency Domain Analysis


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