Co-creating Welfare: Training course material preparing professionals to co-create welfare solutions with citizens

Zelia Ferreira Cacador Anastacio, Sandie Bernard, Graca Carvalho, Frants Christensen, Emily Darlington, Henriette Hansen, Julien Masson, Paul Magee, Gemma Pearce, Teresa Vilaca

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


The Co-creation Welfare training course has been developed within the European ERASMUS+ Project called
“Co-creating Welfare”. The motivation for the development of the training course is a broadly political acknowledged need for reorganisation within the welfare sector in order to obtain a more sustainable and cost-effectiveness sector. Organisations that offer welfare services to citizens are often struggling with budget cut-downs, mainly due to consequences of the hardly ended worldwide financial crisis, which has pushed forward the need for looking at new ways of organizing the European welfare offers. As a response to the need for re-organisation, co-creation has started to become an acknowledged concept to create a more sustainable set-up and organisation of the welfare sector. Co-creation is a new way of thinking about public services which has the potential to deliver a major shift in the way we provide health, education, policing and other services, in ways that make them much more effective, more efficient, and so more sustainable, but professional practitioners need skills and knowledge to work with co-creation. The CCW training course material will provide these skills and knowledge.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversidade do Minho. Instituto de Educação. Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança
Number of pages88
ISBN (Electronic)978-972-8952-61-7
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


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