Choreographic resources: agents, archives, scores and installations

Scott DeLahunta, Norah Zuniga Shaw

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In the ‘Digital Resources’ issue of Performance Research we introduced the concept of the ‘choreographic resource’ as a way of framing four research projects involving the choreographers Siobhan Davies, Emio Greco|PC, Wayne McGregor and William Forsythe (deLahunta and Shaw 2006 : 53–62). These artists are perhaps best known for their contribution to the field of dance through their artistic productions. However, the focus of the research projects we wrote about was not on artistic production per se, but on emergent complementarities between choreographic ideas and processes and their mediation through and in relation to other practices. We want to provide a brief update on the developments over the last two years, particularly where to access some of the results.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-133
JournalPerformance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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