Chemical and transcriptomic diversity do not correlate with ascending levels of social complexity in the insect order Blattodea

Marek J Golian, Daniel A Friedman, Mark Harrison, Dino P McMahon, Jan Buellesbach

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Eusocial insects, such as ants and termites, are characterized by high levels of coordinated social organization. This is contrasted by solitary insects that display more limited forms of collective behavior. It has been hypothesized that this gradient in sociobehavioral sophistication is positively correlated with chemical profile complexity, due to a potentially increased demand for diversity in chemical communication mechanisms in insects with higher levels of social complexity. However, this claim has rarely been assessed empirically. Here, we compare different levels of chemical and transcriptomic complexity in selected species of the order Blattodea that represent different levels of social organization, from solitary to eusocial. We primarily focus on cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) complexity, since it has repeatedly been demonstrated that CHCs are key signaling molecules conveying a wide variety of chemical information in solitary as well as eusocial insects. We assessed CHC complexity and divergence between our studied taxa of different social complexity levels as well as the differentiation of their respective repertoires of CHC biosynthesis gene transcripts. Surprisingly, we did not find any consistent pattern of chemical complexity correlating with social complexity, nor did the overall chemical divergence or transcriptomic repertoire of CHC biosynthesis genes reflect on the levels of social organization. Our results challenge the assumption that increasing social complexity is generally reflected in more complex chemical profiles and point toward the need for a more cautious and differentiated view on correlating complexity on a chemical, genetic, and social level.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere70063
Number of pages13
JournalEcology and Evolution
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2024
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

© 2024 The Author(s). Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. CC BY.


We would like to thank Margy Alejandra Esparza Mora and Shixiong Jiang for their assistance in caring for and providing the termite and cockroach species as well as Katharina Meyer zu Riemsloh for help in curating the transcriptome sequences. We further like to thank Sebastian Schmelzle for providing the insect images. This research was partially supported by research grants to Daniel A. Friedman (NSF ID #2010290), Dino P. McMahon (DFG, MC 436/5-1), and Jan Buellesbach (DFG, BU3439/1-1). The premise of this study was partially inspired by the project 503307636 (BU 3439/2-1) of the DFG priority program 2349. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.

We would like to thank Margy Alejandra Esparza Mora and Shixiong Jiang for their assistance in caring for and providing the termite and cockroach species as well as Katharina Meyer zu Riemsloh for help in curating the transcriptome sequences. We further like to thank Sebastian Schmelzle for providing the insect images. This research was partially supported by research grants to Daniel A. Friedman (NSF ID #2010290), Dino P. McMahon (DFG, MC 436/5\u20101), and Jan Buellesbach (DFG, BU3439/1\u20101). The premise of this study was partially inspired by the project 503307636 (BU 3439/2\u20101) of the DFG priority program 2349. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.


We would like to thank Margy Alejandra Esparza Mora and Shixiong Jiang for their assistance in caring for and providing the termite and cockroach species as well as Katharina Meyer zu Riemsloh for help in curating the transcriptome sequences. We further like to thank Sebastian Schmelzle for providing the insect images. This research was partially supported by research grants to Daniel A. Friedman (NSF ID #2010290), Dino P. McMahon (DFG, MC 436/5-1), and Jan Buellesbach (DFG, BU3439/1-1). The premise of this study was partially inspired by the project 503307636 (BU 3439/2-1) of the DFG priority program 2349. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. We would like to thank Margy Alejandra Esparza Mora and Shixiong Jiang for their assistance in caring for and providing the termite and cockroach species as well as Katharina Meyer zu Riemsloh for help in curating the transcriptome sequences. We further like to thank Sebastian Schmelzle for providing the insect images. This research was partially supported by research grants to Daniel A. Friedman (NSF ID #2010290), Dino P. McMahon (DFG, MC 436/5\u20101), and Jan Buellesbach (DFG, BU3439/1\u20101). The premise of this study was partially inspired by the project 503307636 (BU 3439/2\u20101) of the DFG priority program 2349. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.

FundersFunder number
Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftMC 436/5-1


    • biosynthesis genes
    • chemical ecology
    • cockroaches
    • cuticular hydrocarbons
    • eusociality
    • insect societies
    • termites
    • transcriptomes

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

    • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
    • Nature and Landscape Conservation
    • Ecology


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