Characterization of the Dominant Stages at Which Gas Flaring Is Introduced: Impacts and Policy Options to Ameliorate Them

Nwabueze Emekwuru

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Information on associated gas flaring in the Niger Delta is analyzed to characterize the various stages in the lifecycle of an oil exploration and production facility through which gas flaring is introduced into an area, leading to ecological, health, and economic impacts, and possible policies and implementation strategies for the reduction of the flared gas are offered. Gas flaring is currently occurring at a rate of 5318 million m3 per year in the Niger Delta region. The impacts of gas flaring on the ecological, human, and economic systems include poor air quality, acid rain, and soil degradation. Other impacts include decreased crop yield, increased incidences of respiratory diseases amongst inhabitants in the area, and losses of billions of USD yearly in economic costs. Three dominant stages in the introduction of gas flaring are characterized in this study, using the concept of the management of the invasion of non-native species into an ecosystem and it is determined that the cheapest method of minimizing gas flaring is to incorporate mitigation measures during the design stage of the oil exploration/production facility, rather than after flaring has commenced, as is the common emphasis. During the early periods of oil production, gas flaring is largely localized, and the gas utilization measures can still be implemented to good effect. However, once the facility is established, gas flaring becomes pervasive, stretching kilometers beyond the flare points. Current policies like the imposition of flare-out years on the oil producers have helped, but they have been insufficient as the intensity of gas flaring in the region continues at double the average global levels. Working with relevant stakeholders, a realistic flare-out deadline should be agreed upon, clear and specific gas flaring legislation should be drawn up that includes measures to mitigate gas flaring for each proposed oil facility, and proper data collection and management services would enable the implementation of the policies to be based on robust evidence. These policies would shift the costs of gas flaring away from the inhabitants of the region back to the operators of the facilities that are the sources of the flares.
Original languageEnglish
Article number158
Number of pages20
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 2024

Bibliographical note

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  • gas flare sustainability
  • low-resource regions
  • Niger Delta
  • oil production
  • air pollution
  • health
  • environmental management policy
  • flare intensity
  • enclosed flares


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