Capturing opportunities for business and innovation in knowledge intensive services

Judy Matthews, Roxanne Zolin, Sukanlaya Sawang

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceedingpeer-review


    Research on opportunity has been extensively studied in contexts of new firm or new venture creation (Choi Shepherd, 2004; Mullins Forlani, 2005; Ozgen Baron, 2007) where start-ups and new ventures use both opportunity discovery and opportunity creation (Alvarez Barney 2005, 2007). Less research is found on examining the relationship between opportunity and innovation in existing firms (with Drucker (1985) an exception). In large firms, opportunity recognition has been analysed in terms of antecedent conditions, elements and outcomes (Ireland, Covin Kuratko, 2009), but to date less attention has been given to how small and medium enterprises capture and use opportunities to remain competitive. Little research has been carried out regarding how smaller firms use opportunities to create new business with existing customers or use technological advances with new customers to create new economic activity, growth and competitive advantage. This study presents findings from a comparative case analysis of 20 diverse firms in the spatial information industry and identifies constructs associated with identifying opportunities that lead to better business performance and firm level innovation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
    Subtitle of host publicationCapitalism in Question
    EditorsL. Toombs
    Number of pages30
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    Event73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Capitalism in Question - Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, United States
    Duration: 9 Aug 201313 Aug 2013
    Conference number: 73


    Conference73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    Internet address


    • Opportunity Identification
    • Innovation
    • Corporate entrepreneurship


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