Bridging User Story Sets with the Use Case Model

Y. Wautelet, S. Heng, Diana Hintea, M. Kolp, S. Poelmans

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

    41 Citations (Scopus)


    User Stories (US) are mostly used as basis for representing requirements in agile development. Written in a direct manner, US fail in producing a visual representation of the main system-to-be functions. A Use-Case Diagram (UCD), on the other hand, intends to provide such a view. Approaches that map US sets to a UCD have been proposed; they however consider every US as a Use Case (UC). Nevertheless, a valid UC should not be an atomic task or a sub-process but enclose an entire scenario of the system use instead. A unified model of US templates to tag US sets was previously build. Within functional elements, it notably distinguishes granularity levels. In this paper, we propose to transform specific elements of a US set into a UCD using the granularity information obtained through tagging. In practice, such a transformation involves continuous round-tripping between the US and UC views; a CASE-tool supports this.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances in Conceptual Modeling
    EditorsSebastian Link, Juan C. Trujillo
    Place of PublicationSwitzerland
    ISBN (Print)978-3-319-47717-6, 978-3-319-47716-9
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2016

    Bibliographical note

    The full text is not available on the repository.


    • User Story
    • UML
    • Agile development
    • XP
    • SCRUM


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