Bridges in the random-cluster model

Eren Metin Elci, Martin Weigel, Nikolaos G. Fytas

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    The random-cluster model, a correlated bond percolation model, unifies a range of important models of statistical mechanics in one description, including independent bond percolation, the Potts model and uniform spanning trees. By introducing a classification of edges based on their relevance to the connectivity we study the stability of clusters in this model. We prove several exact relations for general graphs that allow us to derive unambiguously the finite-size scaling behavior of the density of bridges and non-bridges. For percolation, we are also able to characterize the point for which clusters become maximally fragile and show that it is connected to the concept of the bridge load. Combining our exact treatment with further results from conformal field theory, we uncover a surprising behavior of the (normalized) variance of the number of (non-)bridges, showing that it diverges in two dimensions below the value View the MathML source of the cluster coupling q. Finally, we show that a partial or complete pruning of bridges from clusters enables estimates of the backbone fractal dimension that are much less encumbered by finite-size corrections than more conventional approaches.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)19-50
    JournalNuclear Physics B
    Early online date11 Dec 2015
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2016

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