Branding beyond prejudice: Navigating multicultural marketplaces for consumer well-being

Eva Kipnis, A.J. Broderick, C. Demangeot, N.R. Adkins, N.S. Ferguson, G.R. Henderson, G. Johnson, J.M. Mandiberg, R.D. Mueller, C. Pullig, A. Roy, M.A. Zúñiga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Today's marketplaces are increasingly multicultural as more individuals negotiate complex cultural identities. Brands play a role in materializing individual identities—however, little is known about how culture-based brand appeals might affect consumers' identity dynamics, positively or negatively. The paper provides a framework and a model that examines the interaction between three different types of multicultural marketplaces (assimilation, separation, and mutual integration) and different voices that brands might use in their cultural appeals (Branding Ignorance, Branding Tolerance, and Branding Engagement). The model identifies how these different voices (strategies) might exacerbate consumer vulnerabilities in different types of marketplaces and provides recommendations for how to use culture-based branding appeals in a benevolent manner.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1186–1194
JournalJournal of Business Research
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • multicultural marketplaces
  • culture-based branding
  • consumer vulnerability


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