Box 328. In: Festivals, Ceremonies and Customs: Sir Benjamin Stone and the National Photographic Record, 26 Oct 2006 - 14 Jan 2007, V&A Museum, London UK. 'Box 328' [Publication/Two Image variants] National Portrait Gallery and V&A Museum, UK.

Darryl Georgiou (Artist)

    Research output: Practice-Based and Non-textual ResearchExhibition


    An original artist’s commissioned 'print-work' that responds to the contents of archive box 328 in the Sir Benjamin Stone Archive, Birmingham Central Library. This archive box contained photographs by Sir Benjamin Stone of life size 'hideous figures' identified as Spanish Inquisition Relics. This research includes the creation of new work that identifies re-contextualises and presents unseen photographs by Sir Benjamin Stone and makes a significant contribution to current debates on the function; both 'official' and 'unofficial', of the archive within contemporary creative contexts, looking at what official histories classify, regulate and leave out.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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