SOBRE LIMINALIDAD Y FRONTERA El papel del documental en educación superior

Translated title of the contribution: Borders and Liminality: the Role of Documentaries in Higher Education

M. P. López-Peláez Casellas, Milagros López-Peláez Casellas

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Este artículo tiene como objeto hacer que los/las alumnos/as universitarios se cuestionen los metarrelatos que son/han sido construidos sobre la realidad y sean conscientes de la presencia y el alcance del pensamiento colonial e imperialista en nuestra sociedad. Con este objetivo, partimos del concepto de frontera como límite físico y simultáneamente inmaterial – al que nos acercaremos a través de la noción de semiosfera que desarrollara el semiótico Iuri Lotman – y proponemos
    el visionado y análisis del documental The Wall, de Ricardo Martínez. Creemos que esta actividad puede ser de gran utilidad no sólo para ilustrar complejos conceptos como el de cultura u otredad sino para algo más básico como es reflexionar sobre la realidad que nos rodea o reconocer la existencia de una dignidad humana inalienable superior a las leyes o a los visados.

    The aim of the following article is for university students to question the meta-narrative that have been/are being built about reality and to become aware of the presence and the effects of colonialism and imperialism in our society. Therefore, we will use the concept of the frontier as a physical and immaterial border – one that can be approached with the notion of the semiosphere,as provided by the semiotician Iuri Lotman – and we will propose that the documentary The Wall by Ricardo Martinez be viewed and analysed. We believe that Martinez’s activity can be of good use not only as a tool to illustrate complex concepts within culture and alterity, but also to reflect on the reality around us or to be aware of the existence of a human dignity that goes beyond any laws.
    Translated title of the contributionBorders and Liminality: the Role of Documentaries in Higher Education
    Original languageMultiple
    Pages (from-to)121-135
    Number of pages10
    JournalRevista ESC: Educação, Sociedade & Culturas
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

    Bibliographical note

    The full text is available from:


    • education
    • documentary
    • culture
    • border
    • semiosphere


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