Biodiverity offset markets: Current challenges and prospective developments - Executive summary only

    Research output: Thesis (awarded by external institution)Doctoral Thesis

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    In 2012, the British government offered its support
    to the start of six biodiversity offsetting pilots. In doing so, Britain became one of over 30 countries where biodiversity offsets are used worldwide. However, despite the increasing importance of these mechanisms of environmental conservation, research on the conditions for emergence and suc-cess of biodiversity offsetting markets remains scarce.

    This executive summary compiles and shares the key findings from the doctoral research conducted by Carlos Ferreira into the emergence and devel-opment of biodiversity offset markets, between 2009 and 2013. The research was conducted at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR), part of the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. It was supported and financed by a Doctoral Scholarship from the Sus-tainable Consumption Institute, and supervised by Dr Sally Randles (MIoIR) and Prof Dan Brocking-ton (Institute for Development Policy and Manage-ment, School of Environment, Education and De-velopment at the University of Manchester).
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Manchester
    • Randles, Sally, Supervisor, External person
    • Brockington, Dan, Supervisor, External person
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Biodiversity offsets
    • Biodiversity offsetting
    • Environmental conservation


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